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E-mail: emo.kersch@neovisusplus.hu 


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A1-MEDICAL Kéziműszerek

Főkategória >Beszállító lista >A1-MEDICAL Kéziműszerek

  A1-Medical S-0580 Eye Scissors curved, pointed tips, small blades, length 9.0cm
  A1-Medical S-0590 Eye Scissors straight, pointed tips, large blades, length 9.0cm
  A1-Medical S-0600 Eye Scissors curved, pointed tips, large, length 9.0cm
  A1-Medical S-0610 Eye Scissors straight, pointed tips, standard, length 10.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0620 Eye Scissors curved, pointed tips, standard, length 10.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0630 Eye Scissors straight, pointed tips, standard, length 9.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0640 Eye Scissors curved, pointed tips, standard, length 9.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0650 Stitch Scissors, ribbon type, curved, pointed tips, length 11.0cm
  A1-Medical S-0660 Stitch Scissors, lightly curved, pointed tips, length 9.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0670 Stevens Tentotomy Scissors straight, blunt tips & standard blade, length 11.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0680 Stevens Tentotomy Scissors curved, blunt tips & standard blade, length 11.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0690 Stevens Tenotomy Scissors, ribbon type, straight, blunt tips, length 9.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0700 Stevens Tenotomy Scissors, ribbon type, curved blunt tips, length 9.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0710 Strabismus Scissors, ribbon type, straight, blunt tips, length 10.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0720 Strabismus Scissors, ribbon type, curved blunt tips, length 10.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0730 Knapp Scissors, straight, blunt-blunt tips, length 10.3cm
  A1-Medical S-0740 Knapp Scissors, curved blunt-blunt tips, length 10.3cm
  A1-Medical S-0750 Enucleation Scissors medium curved, blunt tips, length 13.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0760 Enucleation Scissors strong curved, blunt tips, length 13.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0770 Utility Scissors straight, one pointed & one blunt tip, length 13.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0780 Metzenbaum Scissors curved, blunt tips, length 14.5cm
  A1-Medical S-0790 Spencer Ligature Scissors straight, with one notched tip, length 9.0cm
  A1-Medical VR-0010-20 Vitrectomy Forceps smooth, with grip straight, 20G
  A1-Medical VR-0010-20-S Vitrectomy Forceps smooth, with stainless steel handle,  straight, 20G,
  A1-Medical VR-0010-20-T Vitrectomy Forceps smooth, titanium, straight, 20G
  A1-Medical VR-0010-25 Vitrectomy Forceps smooth, with grip straight, 25G
  A1-Medical VR-0020-20 Vitrectomy Forceps smooth, with grip angled 45°, 20G
  A1-Medical VR-0020-20-S Vitrectomy Forceps smooth, with stainless steel handle, angled 45°, 20G
  A1-Medical VR-0020-20-T Vitrectomy Forceps smooth, titnaium, angled 45°, 20G
  A1-Medical VR-0030-20 Vitrectomy Forceps serrated, straight, 20G
  A1-Medical VR-0030-20-S Vitrectomy Forceps serrated, with stainless steel handle straight, 20G
  A1-Medical VR-0030-20T Vitrectomy Forceps serrated, titanium straight, 20G
  A1-Medical VR-0030-25 Vitrectomy Forceps serrated, straight, 25G
  A1-Medical VR-0040-20 Vitrectomy Forceps serrated, angled 30°, 20G
  A1-Medical VR-0040-20-S Vitrectomy Forceps serrated, with stainless steel handle, angled 30°, 20G
  A1-Medical VR-0040-20-T Vitrectomy Forceps serrated, titanium angled 30°, 20G

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