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A1-MEDICAL Kéziműszerek

Főkategória >Beszállító lista >A1-MEDICAL Kéziműszerek

A1-Medical HS-0500 Osher Y-Hook Lens Manipulator, angled
  A1-Medical HS-0510 Deitz ICL Manipulator, blunt forked tip Y-Type, angled
A1-Medical HS-0520 Maloney IOL Manipulator, valuted shank
A1-Medical HS-0530 Manipulator, Spatula 1.0 x 0.25mm, angled
  A1-Medical HS-0540 Knolle Nucleus Spatula, malleable stainless steel flat 0.5mm wide, straight
  A1-Medical HS-0550 Hunkeler IOL Manipulator, with Ø 0.3mm hemi-ball tips, angled
  A1-Medical HS-0560 Hirschman Lens Spatula, flat 0.5mm wide , multiple noches
  A1-Medical HS-0570 Koch Nucleus Spatula, duckbill, sharp & smooth tips, gently curved
  A1-Medical HS-0580 Kuglen Iris Hook and Lens Manipulator, push-pull model, angled
  A1-Medical HS-0590 Rosen Phaco Splitter, wedge shaped blunt tips, inferior edges, angled 10.0mm
  A1-Medical HS-0600 Rosen Phaco Splitter,wedge shaped blunt tips, inferior edges, angled 10.0mm 60°
  A1-Medical HS-0610 Pisacano Nucleus Rotator, vertical flat disc tipp
  A1-Medical HS-0620 Pisacano Nucleus Rotator, horizontal flat disc
  A1-Medical HS-0630 Bechert Nucleus Rotator, blunt forked tip, Y-horizontal, angled 7.0mm
  A1-Medical HS-0640 Drysdale Nucleus Manipulator, paddle shaped tip
  A1-Medical HS-0650 Lester IOL-Manipulator, with Ø 0.25mm, straight
  A1-Medical HS-0660 Lester IOL-Manipulator, with Ø 0.25mm, angled 10.0mm
A1-Medical HS-0670 Rentsch IOL Manipulator, blunt, straight
  A1-Medical HS-0680 Sinskey II Lens Manipulating Hook, Ø 0.2mm blunt tip, straight
  A1-Medical HS-0690 Sinskey II Lens Manipulating Hook, Ø 0.2mm blunt tip, angled
  A1-Medical HS-0700 Sinskey Lens Manipulating Hook, Ø 0.25mm blunt tip, straight
  A1-Medical HS-0710 Sinskey Lens Manipulating Hook, Ø 0.25mm blunt tip, angled
  A1-Medical HS-0720 Fenzl Lens Manipulating Hook, Ø 0.15mm tip, straight
  A1-Medical HS-0730 Fenzl Lens Manipulating Hook, Ø 0.15mm tip, angled
  A1-Medical HS-0740 Maltzman-Fenzl Lens Manipulator Hook, Ø 0.15mm V-shaped tip, straight
  A1-Medical HS-0750 Maltzman-Fenzl Lens Manipulator Hook, Ø 0.15mm V-shaped tip, angled
  A1-Medical HS-0760 Kagawa Phaco-Chopper, offset blade, angled 90°, right
  A1-Medical HS-0770 Graether Collar Button Micro Iris Hook, straight
  A1-Medical HS-0780 Graether Collar Button Micro Iris Hook, angled
  A1-Medical HS-0790 Barraquer Iris Spatula, with flat disk, angled 8.0mm
  A1-Medical HS-0800 Barraquer Iris Spatula , with flat disk, angled 10.0mm
  A1-Medical HS-0810 Barraquer Iris Spatula, with flat disk, angled 12.0mm
  A1-Medical HS-0820 Barraquer Iris Spatula, with flat disk, angled 15.0mm
  A1-Medical HS-0830 Bonn Micro Iris Hook extra delicate, blunt tip, straight
  A1-Medical HS-0840 Lieberman Micro Finger, Nucleus Manipulator, for right hand
  A1-Medical HS-0850 Lieberman Micro Finger, Nucleus Manipulator, for left hand
  A1-Medical HS-0860 Gimbel Nucleus Spatula, round smooth Ø 0.25mm, angled 30 °
  A1-Medical HS-0870 Fukasaku Snapper Hook, with blunt tips & front notch
A1-Medical HS-0880 Fukasaku Snapper Hook, angled
  A1-Medical HS-0890 LASIK Spatula rounded anterior & flat posterior surface with dissecting tip

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